Monday, March 29, 2010


My kids Love Chuck.
I had a cat named Chuck once.
He was actually my dad's cat. Well actually my cat that became my dad's cat.

I am excited.
The wheels have been starting to turn in prep for Trinidad...
It's exciting.

Oliver loves Chuck.
Chuck loved my dad.
My dad was a crazy guy.
I miss him.
He would have watched Chuck with Oliver.

Im excited.
Mainly cause I know it's God and not me.
Trinidad. Not Chuck.

We are entering a season where there are so many things that need to happen to make it happen.
But it's God making it happen.
So that's exciting.

So is Chuck.


Natalie Joy said...

I love "Chuck". I think we are going to try to catch up this summer when we don't have any regular shows on.

Nicole said...

My dad had a cat named Chuck too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what are the odds??

love you sweetie!

Michelle said...

My dad had a cat named Chuck, too. I miss Chuck. You think animals go to Heaven?