Friday, December 18, 2009


"loves the lazorbacks"..
otherwise known as razorbacks.

"the speed limit!!!" with a crazy grin and both fists in the air.
every time we gun it.. ((not that it happens ALL that often..))

anything at ALL to do with football. every team.. well except the lazorbacks. poor guy.

& it's the time of year where he sees "the three little mans" everywhere.
to isabel they are the wise disciples.. history referred to them as "the three wise men". which triggered maja's report.. "The Real Three Little Mans."

he is so excited for Christmas.
merry weekend before Christmas to you.


Heth said...

That kid. He's delightful.

jenni said...

Gotta love him! Caleb can't wait to see his pal "Awiver"

Natalie Joy said...

Love that Oli! It's so great that he and Bill could play for hours! :)